تکنسین مکانیک

میلاد نورگیتی

منتشر شده 4 سال پیش

Job Description

Mechanical technician to work in a cigarette factory located in the industrial city of Kaveh-Saveh with the following conditions: - Periodically check the devices according to the device instructions - Identify and supply parts needed for construction - Maintenance of spare parts for production equipment - Continuous presence at designated times with production devices - Help develop and transfer skills and training to other related personnel - Optimal maintenance and use of equipment, equipment at your disposal - Cooperation and assistance to other units in relation to achieving our common goals and the company's personnel - Collaboration in performing all the duties and responsibilities assigned to this post in the methods of implementing the quality assurance system - Participate in project activities such as installing startups or moving devices - Maintaining order in the workshop and work environment - Predicting the supply of parts and supplies needed to prevent discontinuities due to lack of spare parts - Provide an accurate report of repairs and work performed to the technical manager - Controlling and monitoring the performance of contractors and consultants in the mechanical department - Preparation and compilation of technical documents related to repairs and maintenance - Identify risks and provide appropriate solutions to prevent injuries - Performing tasks assigned by the factory management and technical manager


Mechanical technician to work in a cigarette factory located in the industrial city of Kaveh-Saveh with the following conditions: - Postgraduate degree in mechanics. - Has at least 3 years of work experience, preferably in the tobacco industry. - Resident of Saveh, Qom, Parand, Zarandieh, Mamuniyeh and Buin Zahra. - Age range between 25 and 27 years. - Familiarity with English language. - Preferably married.

Employment Type

  • Full Time

Job Category


Employment type

  • Full Time

Job Category


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