About (Shirin Asal)


Establishment Year:



Consumer Goods - FMCG

Company Size:

500 employees or more




No. 4, Asgari Alley, Felestin St, Tehran-IRAN Tel. (+98) 21-61053472 Fax. (+98) 21- 66406895

Location of (Shirin Asal) is not marked on the map.

About Company:

ShirinAsal Food Industrial Group is the leading Iranian Food conglomerate in a dynamic and challenging market. ShirinAsal is the only Iranian fully vertically and horizontally integrated food and confectionery group conducts all phases of its business, from the bean to the shelf (From farm to fork) as the Iranian market leader. The pillars of ShirinAsal strategy are innovation & creativity, renovation, consumer communication, and operational efficiency. Innovation and renovation continues to be the lifeblood of internal growth of ShirinAsal Group. ShirinAsal products and services now are becoming well known for its sophisticated distribution techniques which have contributed substantially to growth.
