About Seylaneh Sabz



Establishment Year:


Consumer Goods - FMCG

Company Size:

500 employees or more




Location of Seylaneh Sabz is not marked on the map.

About Company:

SEYLANE SABZ Co is one of the biggest manufacturer, producer and distributor of cosmetics, hygienic and pharmaceutical products and food in middle east. The headquarter and consumers division is located in Tehran. This corporation includes more than 150 subsidiary companies in 31 cities across middle east . Professional market research department of Seylaneh sabz co. is created to study consumer preferences and buying habits and most of the products in research and development department reformulated to latest technology .The Company has one of the strongest portfolios of leadership brands in Iran and trusted quality in middle east. Seylaneh Sabz company's products have significant impact on Iran’s economic growth through import, export and manufacturing.
