About 5040



Establishment Year:


Retail, Shop and Supermarket

Company Size:





Location of 5040 is not marked on the map.

About Company:

5040 is an e-commerce company which started as an online shopping site and soon expanded. Over one decade experience, makes 5040 one of the best companies which responds to thousands of customers daily. Due to its outstanding strategy of hiring experienced managers, talented employees and elite students, 5040 is well known for its strong staff and highly qualified services such as refund warranty and news portal. As the time passes, the growth rate of the company improves which results in more employment and as an outcome; company was awarded as one of the best Iranian entrepreneurs. The personnel are all well-educated, responsible and trained to understand and satisfy the customers wishes. 5040 considers all the personnel as family and tries to fully support its members in many different fields.
