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استخدام در خیریه پیام سیدمحمدحسین رضوی

Mohammad Hosein Razavi Charity Institute (SMH Charity)

About Mohammad Hosein Razavi Charity Institute (SMH Charity)


Establishment Year:



Charity, Non-Profit Institutes and NGOs

Company Size:

1-9 employees


Tehran, Tehran


تهرانپارس- بین فلکه دوم و سوم- خیابان 186 غربی- پلاک 2

Location of Mohammad Hosein Razavi Charity Institute (SMH Charity) is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Seyed Mohammad Hossein Razavi (SMH) Charity Institute is an NGO founded in 2016 after the death of Mohammad Hossein Razavi because of cancer. As a tribute to his beloved brother, Mohammad Hossein’s sister established this institute with the main objective of supporting young adults with cancer between the ages of 16 to 30. Since then SMH charity has provided financial, educational and psychological support for more than 100 young people.
