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استخدام در گسترش پایا صنعت سینا

Gostaresh Paya Sanat Sina (Sinapad)

About Gostaresh Paya Sanat Sina (Sinapad)



Establishment Year:


Manufacturing and Processing 

Company Size:

500 employees or more




Location of Gostaresh Paya Sanat Sina (Sinapad) is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Gostaresh Paya Sanat Sina, is one of the industrial developments conventions of Poor Foundation that is established as follow based on the decision of foundation president in June of 2009 in order to professional management of manufacturing companies by diverse activities: Tire and industrial black carbon activities including companies like Iran Tires, Khuzestan Tire and FAM industrial Soot. Tile and ceramic activities including companies like Sina Tile and Pars Tile. Glasswork activities including companies like Glass & Gas and Mina Glass. Construction engineering and equipment installation activities including Iran Tools. Wood and cellulose activities including wood industry companies of north, Karoon chipboard, Khalkhal Chipboard. Textile activities including companies like Shahrekurd Hijab, Selk Baf.
