About Alifard (Sunich)


Establishment Year:


Consumer Goods - FMCG

Company Size:

500 employees or more




Location of Alifard (Sunich) is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Main Companies are: Alifard Company, as one of the most reputable companies in production of fruit juices, concentrates and syrups, started its work in Kaveh Industrial city of Saveh in 1979. Currently company is active in production of various kinds of fruit juice, several types of concentrates and syrups under the Sunich brand. Shiva's manufacturing company has started its producing since 1999 by the purpose of producing such products for children, such as Gummi candy, Candy, Puffy and Winter Ice-cream under the Shiba brand. Sayesaman Distribution Company is a sole distribution company for Alifard and shiva products. This company has started its activities in 1995 and at present is covering 30 provinces on direct basis through 16 branch offices throughout Iran. Other provinces are also under the coverage through the sole agents of Alifard Company in each region.
