About Sina Faravar



Establishment Year:



Company Size:

10-49 employees




Location of Sina Faravar is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Sinafaravar pharmaceutical company is an Iranian herbal pharmaceutical company with interest in herbal medicines. Through our comprehensive range of products we touch the lives of all consumers, in all age groups, across all social boundaries. And this legacy has helped us develop a bond of trust with our consumers. That guarantees you the best in all products carrying the Sinafaravar pharmaceutical company name. Using and capturing the essence of the nature, SINAFARAVAR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY has opened the gateway to a reliable range of Natural Herbal Medicine. Our herbal medicine Drugs provided by us are the perfect blend of effectiveness. We has preserved the traditional art of manufacturing medicines & with the help of latest equipment we have merged it with modern manufacturing techniques to produce authentic our herbal medicine formulations of superior quality. SINAFARAVAR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY has setup a well-equipped factory as per the norms, where we produce quality medicine for enhancing the human life and to enable them to fight against some very dangerous diseases.
