About Rasam Sanat Sadid



Establishment Year:



Company Size:

10-49 employees




خیابان مطهری- کوچه پروشات- پلاک 1

Location of Rasam Sanat Sadid is not marked on the map.

About Company:

RASAM SANAT SADID Company started its business to supply and prepare all the goods and products needed viz. pipelines, joints, flanges, and valves in upstream industrial projects in oil, drilling, gas, petrochemical, steel, power plants, and water and sewage fields. Along with our plans to expand our business and supply goods and products needed by the industries, RASAM SANAT SADID has established an international affairs office. The headquarters of company cooperates with its offshore offices in UAE, India, South Korea, and Germany to establish direct business relationship with top producers and suppliers and supply quality goods to Iranian industries with latest engineering and technical standards. Our services are quite competitive in terms of price (Iranian Rials and foreign currencies) and time. Organizational chart and internal organizational affairs of the company is designed to ensure provision of quality engineering services and goods through recruiting an experienced team of staff.
