About Mana Food Industry



Establishment Year:


Manufacturing and Processing 

Company Size:

500 employees or more




خیابان گاندی جنوبی- کوچه 25- پلاک 17

Location of Mana Food Industry is not marked on the map.

About Company:

With over thirty years’ experience and by using state-of-the-art equipment and updated technology, Mana Food Industries Company produces different types of short-good and long-good pasta with a view to achieving an optimal production quality. The continuous production line of Mana Group is equipped with a polymatic system with no need for any manual operations. Moving on its high path and with a view to supplying high-quality raw materials, Mana Food Industry Group set up a semolina flour production site on a plot of land, 50,000 square meters in area, in the town of Kordan, Karaj, in 2011. Mana Food Industry is on an exemplary and unique path of producing and marketing new, delicious and nutritious products such as high-fiber and vegetable pasta, lasagna and semi-ready pasta.
