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Gostaresh Fanavarihaye Novin

About Gostaresh Fanavarihaye Novin



Establishment Year:


IT, Software and Internet Services

Company Size:

50-99 employees




Location of Gostaresh Fanavarihaye Novin is not marked on the map.

About Company:

Today, the world is rapidly changing and developing in IT and Communication field and every day we encounter innovations and inventions joint with rapid growth of information and data. For better and effective compliance of country's banking system with global modern banking standards, Hi-Tech Solutions (PJS Company) commenced its activities by concentrating on expanding activities based on information and communication in banking system service since 2008. Hi-Tech Solutions (PJS company) makes attempts to develop its customer's' business as its commercial partners by applying global standards through developing information technology in organizations , public and private institutes and organizations ,and by concentrating on banking solutions. Our precious experience in the field of comprehensive banking solutions, IT management systems and software production technology has smoothed our development route.
