هماهنگ‌کننده امور منابع‌ انسانی

نقش اول کیفیت تهران

منتشر شده 2 ماه پیش

Job Description

  • Coordinate manager meetings.
  • Request and collect all necessary data to fulfill the activity.
  • Challenge and check the coherency of technical requirements and roadmap regarding usage, engineering, or dimensioning.
  • Elaborate based on scope and targets, a comprehensive activity plan.
  • Evaluate necessary required resources or support.
  • Elaborate simple processes related to managed activities.
  • Manage the execution of the project scope (cost, time, and quality) ensuring the fulfillment of contractual obligations if any.
  • Execute defined preliminary tasks.
  • Gather relevant data and information.
  • Report timely the activities and/or project progress.

Key Professional Competencies:

  • Familiar with HR processes and activities.
  • Communication skills.
  • Documentation and writing (Persian/English) skills.
  • Relationship building.
  • Teamwork spirit.
  • Positive and proactive attitude.
  • Rigor and organization.
  • Persistence and perseverance.
  • Knowledge of the business and telecommunications industry.
  • Understanding of other functions in the company.

Employment Type

  • Full Time


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